Betty’s Nature Photography & Nature-inspired art
For ages, I yearned to get really close up to the flowers, lichens, and insects that I would photograph.
Then I bought myself a microscope and macro-lens, and this helped me to zoom right in!
I then started painting from these close-up photos, and now teach courses on Macro Botanical Illustration!
Check out my favourite macro-photos and nature-inspired art below.
Nature Photography
Buy a pack of photos!
A pack of 5 standard size photos
The photos on this site are just a small selection of over 50 available photos, taken on my journeys throughout the beautiful county of Suffolk (UK).
Get in touch to see the whole range of photos, or select your top 5 from the photos on this page.
£15 per 5 x photo pack
Get in touch to buy!
Larger prints
Betty offers these images as A4, A3 (and larger) prints, and in larger quantities.
Pease get in touch for pricing, and delivery methods.
Interested in joining Betty for a botanical photography trip, or want to attend one of her Botanical Photography and Illustration workshops?
Get in touch to check upcoming dates, prices, and other info.
Nature-inspired artworks
In these photos, I’m nearing the end of making 2 x Fly Agaric mushrooms from clay. I wanted these to anatomically correct, and so used dozens of macro photos of real Fly Agarics to get the detail right.
Get in touch
As a result of several years of ‘macro’ nature photography and nature-inspired painting, Betty offers workshops teaching exactly these skills!
Get in touch to book on one of her existing Botanical Illustration and Macro Photography Workshops (these are with select organizations around London and Suffolk), or why not schedule a date for your community to enjoy this course?
It’s suitable for young people, and adults.
Contact Betty for more information